Using the table below, answer the following questions.

Judaism 5-4-3-2-1

Give me 5-4-3-2-1 Suggested Answers
List 5 objects you might find in a synagogue.

Aron hakodesh (ark)

Torah scroll (sefer Torah)

Bimah (reading desk)

Ner tamid (eternal light)

Menorah (7 branched candelabrum)

Stained glass windows (no depiction of people)

Seating arrangements (men & women separate in Orthodox synagogue)

Describe 4 ways the synagogue might be used.

As a place of prayer (bet ha’tefillin)

As a place of study (bet ha’midrash)

As a place of assembly/meeting (bet ha’knesset)

As a school (shul)

As a place for celebrations

Name 3 items of clothing Jewish men might wear.

Tefillin (phylacteries/boxes worn on head & arm)

Tallit (prayer shawl)

Kippah/yarmulke (skull cap)

Give 2 covenants made with God.

Abrahamic (with Abraham)

Mosaic (with Moses)

State 1 reason for brit milah (circumcision).

To recognise the covenant made with God

As a symbol of Jewish identity