What is positive role modelling?

Beth yw modelau rôl cadarnhaol?


Medical team

Relationships are probably the most involved and emotionally charged area of life. We learn to identify individuals we like and don’t like; we learn that we need to relate differently to different individuals; and we learn that some relationships are satisfying and rewarding whilst others are almost impossible to navigate. However, relationships are a basic human need and something which the majority of us strive to develop and maintain throughout our lives. What is important when working in health and social care is ensuring to be a positive role model; that an individual's practice is always safe and follows agreed guidelines. Consider communication with others, the way records are completed - are they all demonstrating good practice that others should follow? This is positive role modelling.

Fwy na thebyg mai cydberthnasau yw'r rhan fwyaf dwys ac emosiynol o fywyd. Rydym yn dysgu i nodi pa unigolion rydym yn eu hoffi a pha rai nad ydym yn eu hoffi; rydym yn dysgu bod angen i ni uniaethu mewn ffordd wahanol â gwahanol unigolion; ac rydym yn dysgu bod rhai cydberthnasau yn rhoi boddhad ac yn werthfawr, ond bod eraill bron yn amhosibl i ddygymod â nhw. Fodd bynnag, mae cydberthnasau yn angen dynol sylfaenol ac yn rhywbeth y mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonom yn anelu at eu meithrin a'u cynnal drwy gydol ein bywydau. Mae'n bwysig gweithredu fel model rôl cadarnhaol wrth weithio ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol; gan sicrhau bod ymarfer yr unigolyn bob amser yn ddiogel ac yn cydymffurfio â chanllawiau y cytunwyd arnynt. Ystyriwch ddulliau cyfathrebu ag eraill, y ffordd y caiff cofnodion eu cwblhau - a ydynt yn arddangos ymarfer da y dylai eraill ei ddilyn? Dyma enghraifft o fodelau rôl cadarnhaol.

Why an individual should not behave in a way, in work or outside work, which would call into question, suitability to work in the health and social care profession

Pam na ddylai unigolyn ymddwyn mewn ffordd, yn y gwaith neu'r tu allan i'r gwaith, a fyddai'n bwrw amheuon dros ei addasrwydd i weithio yn y proffesiwn iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol


Elderly care

Whilst it’s not appropriate to make personal disclosures in a professional working relationship, some individuals supported may need to relax, especially if they are helped with personal care needs. Letting work relationships become more personal doesn’t mean that personal things should be disclosed or that personal questions should be asked. But, for example, mentioning holiday plans, remembering birthdays and asking after grandchildren can create a deeper relationship which helps get to know each other better, making working together easier and more efficient.

Er nad yw'n briodol gwneud datgeliadau personol o fewn cydberthynas waith broffesiynol, mae'n bosibl y bydd angen i rai unigolion sy'n cael cymorth allu ymlacio, yn enwedig os byddant yn cael cymorth gydag anghenion gofal personol. Nid yw caniatáu i gydberthnasau gwaith ddod yn fwy personol yn golygu y dylid datgelu pethau personol nac y dylid gofyn cwestiynau personol. Gall sôn am gynlluniau gwyliau, cofio penblwyddi a gofyn am eu hwyrion, er enghraifft, greu cydberthynas ddyfnach sy'n eu helpu i ddod i adnabod ei gilydd yn well, gan ei gwneud hi'n haws ac yn fwy effeithlon iddynt gydweithio.

Links between use of social media and personal and professional conduct

Cysylltiadau rhwng y defnydd o'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac ymddygiad personol a phroffesiynol


Medical staff

The general public depends on professional working relationships for support and care both for themselves and their loved ones. Health and social care workers are therefore perceived to be in a working relationship with the public. Unfortunately, events continue to undermine public trust in health and social care services. There is a responsibility to behave, both at work and outside, in such a way as to develop and maintain public trust and confidence in the profession.

This includes the wider use of technology, such as mobile phones, text messaging, e-mails, digital cameras, videos, web-cams, websites and blogs. Health and social care workers should not share any personal information with individuals. They should not request, or respond to, any personal information from the individual, other than that which might be appropriate as part of their professional role. Health and social care workers should ensure that all communications are transparent and open to scrutiny.

Mae'r cyhoedd yn dibynnu ar gydberthnasau gwaith proffesiynol er mwyn cael cymorth a gofal iddyn nhw eu hunain a'u hanwyliaid. Felly, ystyrir bod gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol mewn cydberthynas waith â'r cyhoedd. Yn anffodus, mae digwyddiadau yn parhau i danseilio ymddiriedaeth y cyhoedd mewn gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae cyfrifoldeb, yn y gwaith a'r tu allan i'r gwaith, i ymddwyn mewn ffordd sy'n meithrin ac yn cynnal hyder ac ymddiriedaeth y cyhoedd yn y proffesiwn.

Mae hyn yn cynnwys defnydd ehangach o dechnoleg megis negeseuon testun ar ffonau symudol, negeseuon e-bost, camerâu digidol, fideos, gwe-gamerâu, gwefannau a blogiau. Ni ddylai gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol rannu unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol ag unigolion. Ni ddylent ofyn am unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol gan yr unigolyn, nac ymateb i wybodaeth o'r fath, ac eithrio gwybodaeth a allai fod yn briodol fel rhan o'u rôl broffesiynol. Dylai gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol sicrhau bod unrhyw ohebiaeth yn dryloyw ac yn destun craffu.

Boundaries and relationships

Ffiniau a chydberthnasau


Patient and nurse in hospital

Health and social care workers should be careful in their communications with individuals as to avoid any possible misinterpretation of their motives or any behaviour which could be construed as inappropriate. They should not give their personal contact details to individuals, including e-mail, home or mobile telephone numbers. E-mail or text communications between a health and social care worker and an individual outside agreed protocols may lead to disciplinary and/or criminal investigations. This also includes communications through internet-based web sites.

Dylai gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol fod yn ofalus wrth gyfathrebu ag unigolion er mwyn osgoi unrhyw achosion posibl o gamddehongli eu cymhellion neu unrhyw ymddygiad y gellid ei ystyried yn amhriodol. Ni ddylent roi eu manylion cyswllt personol i unigolion, gan gynnwys cyfeiriad e-bost, rhifau ffôn cartref neu symudol. Gall negeseuon e-bost neu negeseuon testun rhwng gweithiwr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ac unigolyn y tu allan i brotocolau y cytunwyd arnynt arwain at ymchwiliadau disgyblu a/neu droseddol. Mae hyn hefyd yn cynnwys cyfathrebu drwy wefannau ar y rhyngrwyd.

Abuse of power

Camddefnyddio pŵer


Group of nurses

Abuse can come about when power is misused and the control that one individual has over another increases. Where there is dependency, there is the chance of abuse or neglect unless safeguards are put in place. It is important that those involved in service delivery are aware that this power imbalance can happen. All health and social care workers must adhere to certain standards of care, including maintaining professional boundaries and treating individuals with dignity and respect.

Gall camddefnyddio pŵer a chynyddu rheolaeth un unigolyn dros un arall esgor ar achosion o gam-drin. Lle ceir dibyniaeth, mae'n bosibl y caiff yr unigolyn ei gam-drin neu ei esgeuluso oni roddir camau diogelu ar waith. Mae'n bwysig bod y rheini sy'n ymwneud â darparu gwasanaethau yn ymwybodol y gall yr anghydbwysedd hwn o ran pŵer ddigwydd. Rhaid i bob gweithiwr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol gydymffurfio â safonau gofal penodol, gan gynnwys cynnal ffiniau proffesiynol a thrin unigolion ag urddas a pharch.