


Helping hand

In health and social care, it is vital that individuals have the right care to meet their needs, wishes and preferences. It is important that procedures are followed to ensure that needs are met. Individuals should be at the centre of this process, so they feel that they are actively involved in their own care. Good, effective care planning can ensure the criteria is met. Care and support packages should never be made for the ease or convenience of care workers. This is where person-centred approaches apply placing the individual at the centre of every activity and decision made.

Ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, mae'n hollbwysig i unigolion gael y gofal cywir i ddiwallu eu hanghenion a bodloni eu dymuniadau a'u dewisiadau. Mae'n bwysig dilyn gweithdrefnau er mwyn sicrhau y caiff anghenion eu diwallu. Dylai unigolion fod wrth wraidd y broses hon, er mwyn iddynt deimlo eu bod yn cael eu cynnwys yn eu gofal eu hunain. Gall gwaith cynllunio gofal da ac effeithiol sicrhau y caiff y meini prawf eu bodloni. Ni ddylai pecynnau gofal a chymorth byth gael eu creu er hwylustod na chyfleuster i weithwyr gofal. Dyma ble mae dulliau gweithredu person-ganolog yn berthnasol, oherwydd eu bod yn rhoi'r unigolyn wrth wraidd pob gweithgaredd a gynhelir a phob penderfyniad a wneir.

What are person-centred approaches?

Beth yw dulliau gweithredu person-ganolog?


Doctor listening to a patient

Being person-centred is about listening to and learning about what individuals want from their lives and helping individuals to think about what they want now and in the future. Family, friends, professionals and services work together with the individual to make this happen.

Individual-centred approaches ensure that the individual is at the centre of all that happens. They involve doing things that sees the individuals using health and social care services as equal partners in planning, developing and monitoring care to make sure it meets their needs.

It is about considering people’s desires, values, family situations, social circumstances and lifestyles, seeing the individual as an individual, and working together to develop appropriate solutions.

Beliefs, values and preferences have to be taken into account when using individual-centred approaches when planning to meet an individual’s needs.

Mae'r ymddygiad o fod yn berson-ganolog yn golygu gwrando ar unigolion a dysgu am yr hyn y maent am ei gael o'u bywydau, a helpu unigolion i feddwl am yr hyn y maent yn ddymuno ei gael nawr ac yn y dyfodol. Mae aelodau o'r teulu, ffrindiau, gweithwyr proffesiynol a gwasanaethau yn cydweithio â'r unigolyn er mwyn sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd.

Mae dulliau gweithredu person-ganolog yn sicrhau bod yr unigolyn wrth wraidd popeth sy'n digwydd, ac maent yn golygu gwneud pethau sy'n sicrhau bod yr unigolion sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn cael eu hystyried yn bartneriaid cyfartal yn y gwaith o gynllunio, datblygu a monitro gofal er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr ei fod yn diwallu eu hanghenion.

Yr hyn sy'n bwysig yw ystyried dyheadau pobl, eu gwerthoedd, eu sefyllfaoedd teuluol, eu hamgylchiadau cymdeithasol a'u ffyrdd o fyw, gan weld yr unigolyn fel unigolyn, a chydweithio i ddatblygu atebion priodol.

Rhaid ystyried credoau, gwerthoedd a dewisiadau wrth ddefnyddio dulliau gweithredu sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn i gynllunio ar gyfer diwallu anghenion unigolyn.

How to identify the preferences and backgrounds of individuals, what matters to them and the outcomes that they want

Sut i nodi dewisiadau a chefndiroedd unigolion, beth sy’n bwysig iddynt a’r canlyniadau maent yn eu dymuno


Doctor on a home visit

When assessing and planning, it is vital that the individual leads the process. Care professionals must remember that the individual is at the foundation of care planning; it is their body, their discomfort, their life and their care. Care planning which is not individual-centred is meaningless and not acceptable. Providing care that health and social care workers think individuals need is not appropriate. Health and social care workers must value an individual’s role in this process - this is the best practice. It is essential to empower the individual in their own care.

When establishing the preferences and backgrounds of individuals, it is vital to ask the child or young person what they want and what they consider their needs to be. Leading questions should be avoided, for example: ‘Your after school arrangements are fully meeting all your needs, aren’t they?’ This may lead to agreement when it may not actually be the case. Open questions are preferred to closed questions, so instead of asking ‘Are you happy?’ the question could be rephrased as ‘Tell me about how you feel at the moment.’

Wrth asesu a chynllunio, mae'n hollbwysig mai'r unigolyn sy'n arwain y broses. Rhaid i weithwyr gofal proffesiynol gofio bod yr unigolyn wrth wraidd gwaith cynllunio gofal; ei gorff, ei anghysur, ei fywyd a'i ofal ei hun sydd dan sylw. Mae gwaith cynllunio gofal nad yw'n berson-ganolog yn ddiystyr ac yn annerbyniol. Nid yw'n dderbyniol darparu gofal y mae gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn meddwl sydd ei angen ar unigolion. Rhaid i weithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol werthfawrogi rôl unigolyn yn y broses hon – dyma'r arfer gorau. Mae'n hanfodol grymuso'r unigolyn yn ei ofal ei hun.

Wrth ganfod dewisiadau a chefndiroedd unigolion, mae'n hollbwysig gofyn i'r plentyn neu'r person ifanc beth mae am ei gael a beth mae'n credu yw ei anghenion. Dylid osgoi cwestiynau arweiniol, er enghraifft: ‘Mae dy drefniadau ar ôl ysgol yn diwallu dy anghenion i gyd yn llawn, onid ydyn nhw?’ Gall hyn wneud i'r unigolyn gytuno er nad yw'n teimlo hynny mewn gwirionedd. Mae'n well defnyddio cwestiynau agored yn hytrach na rhai caeedig felly, yn lle gofyn ‘Wyt ti'n hapus?’, gellid aralleirio'r cwestiwn fel hyn, ‘Dweda wrtha i sut rwyt ti'n teimlo ar hyn o bryd.’

Person-centred approaches are key to health and social care service delivery

Mae dulliau gweithredu person-ganolog yn allweddol ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol


What could be the impact on individuals if person-centred approaches are not implemented?

Beth yw'r effaith bosibl ar unigolion os na ddilynir dulliau gweithredu person-ganolog?

Suggested response

The individual does not:

  • receive the care and support they want and need
  • make the choices they should be involved in
  • live the life they should be living
  • flourish, grow and develop as they should.

Ymateb awgrymedig

Nid yw'r unigolyn yn:

  • cael y gofal a'r cymorth sydd eu heisiau a'u hangen arno
  • gwneud y dewisiadau y dylai gael ei gynnwys ynddynt
  • byw'r bywyd y dylai fod yn ei fyw
  • ffynnu, tyfu a datblygu fel y dylai wneud.

How to identify what matters to individuals and the outcomes that they want

Sut i nodi'r hyn sy'n bwysig i unigolion a'r canlyniadau y maent am eu cael


Paper family

Health and social care workers should meet with individuals face to face. They should make clear that anything discussed will be confidential. This will reassure the individual that it is okay to divulge any necessary information.

Discussions should be in a simple format. Confusing individuals with acronyms, jargon and technical terminology will not help them to lead the assessment. However, workers should avoid patronising individuals by using language that is too simplistic. A balance of clear, detailed information is important.

If anything needs repeating, it should be done patiently and clearly. Care workers should clarify and summarise to ensure that everything is understood as well as to minimise mistakes.

Where possible documents should be in a format the individual understands e.g. pictures, video, written. Workers need to ensure the individual understands these and is given the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have.

Dylai gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol gwrdd ag unigolion wyneb yn wyneb. Dylent ddweud yn glir y bydd unrhyw beth a drafodir yn cael ei gadw'n gyfrinachol. Bydd hyn yn tawelu meddwl yr unigolyn ei bod yn iawn datgelu unrhyw wybodaeth angenrheidiol.

Dylai trafodaethau fod yn syml. Ni fydd drysu unigolion ag acronymau, jargon a therminoleg dechnegol yn eu helpu i arwain yr asesiad. Fodd bynnag, dylai gweithwyr osgoi bod yn nawddoglyd ag unigolion drwy ddefnyddio iaith sy'n rhy syml. Mae'n bwysig taro cydbwysedd rhwng gwybodaeth glir a manwl.

Os bydd angen ailadrodd unrhyw beth, dylid gwneud hynny'n amyneddgar ac yn glir. Dylai gweithwyr gofal egluro a chrynhoi er mwyn sicrhau bod yr unigolyn yn deall popeth, a hefyd er mwyn sicrhau cyn lleied â phosibl o gamgymeriadau.

Lle y bo'n bosibl, dylai dogfennau fod mewn fformat y mae'r unigolyn yn ei ddeall e.e. lluniau, fideo neu'n ysgrifenedig. Mae angen i weithwyr sicrhau bod yr unigolyn yn deall y rhain ac yn cael y cyfle i ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau sydd ganddo.

Establishing consent and why this is important

Sefydlu cydsyniad a pham mae hyn yn bwysig


Health visitor on a home visit

In relation to the provision of health and social care services, it is important to remember that:

  • It is a legal requirement that consent is established before providing support to an individual.
  • Establishing consent is a way that health and social care workers can show they respect the individual.
  • The process of establishing consent is a part of the process of developing trust between health and social care workers and the individual.

Consent can be given in a number of ways - this can be through verbal communication, in writing or through actions. The individual might also allow another individual to do something with or to them, perhaps by raising an arm to be supported when dressing, therefore indicating consent. Informed consent is given when the individual understands what they are consenting to.

Mewn perthynas â darparu gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, mae'n bwysig cofio'r canlynol:

  • Mae'n ofynnol yn ôl y gyfraith cael cydsyniad cyn rhoi cymorth i unigolyn.
  • Mae cael cydsyniad yn ffordd y gall gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ddangos eu bod yn parchu'r unigolyn.
  • Mae'r broses o gael cydsyniad yn rhan o'r broses o feithrin ymddiriedaeth rhwng gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a'r unigolyn.

Gellir rhoi cydsyniad mewn nifer o ffyrdd, boed drwy gyfathrebu geiriol, yn ysgrifenedig neu drwy weithredoedd neu symudiadau. Gallai'r unigolyn hefyd ganiatáu i unigolyn arall wneud rhywbeth iddo neu gydag ef, efallai drwy godi braich i gael cymorth wrth wisgo, sydd felly'n dangos cydsyniad. Rhoddir cydsyniad ar sail gwybodaeth pan fydd yr unigolyn yn deall beth mae'n cydsynio iddo.

Meaningful and enjoyable activities and experiences

Profiadau a gweithgareddau ystyrlon a phleserus


Happy group of people

An individual’s well-being includes their sense of hope, confidence and self-esteem, their ability to communicate wants and needs, to socialise and to experience and show pleasure or enjoyment. This can involve the activities and experiences an individual chooses to take part in. To promote an individual’s well-being they need to be happy with as many aspects of their life as possible. If the individual thinks that something would help them to feel better, health and social care workers need to be positive, understanding, empathic and non-judgemental. They should listen to what the individual considers to be important in their lives and help them to make the changes they want, such as being able to join in particular activities or groups for example.

Mae llesiant unigolyn yn cynnwys ei ymdeimlad o obaith, hyder a hunan-barch, a'i allu i gyfleu'r hyn sydd ei eisiau a'i angen arno, i gymdeithasu ac i gael a dangos pleser neu fwynhad. Gall hyn gynnwys y gweithgareddau a'r profiadau y bydd unigolyn yn dewis cymryd rhan ynddynt. Er mwyn hybu llesiant unigolyn, bydd angen iddo fod yn hapus â chynifer o agweddau ar ei fywyd â phosibl. Os bydd yr unigolyn o'r farn y byddai rhywbeth yn ei helpu i deimlo'n well, mae angen i weithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol fod yn gadarnhaol, yn amyneddgar ac yn empathig, a pheidio â barnu. Dylent wrando ar yr hyn sy'n bwysig i'r unigolyn yn ei fywyd, a'i helpu i wneud y newidiadau y mae am eu gwneud, fel gallu ymuno mewn gweithgareddau neu grwpiau penodol, er enghraifft.

Meaningful and enjoyable activities and experiences

Profiadau a gweithgareddau ystyrlon a phleserus


Why is it important to know what an individual’s history, preferences, wishes and needs are in order to support them in an individual-centred way?

Pam mae'n bwysig gwybod beth yw hanes, dewisiadau, dymuniadau ac anghenion unigolyn er mwyn helpu mewn ffordd sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn?

Suggested response

  • to meet needs, wishes and preferences
  • to acknowledge the individual’s history
  • to identify activities which may interest them
  • to encourage communication and interaction.

Ymateb awgrymedig

  • er mwyn diwallu anghenion a bodloni dymuniadau a dewisiadau
  • er mwyn cydnabod hanes yr unigolyn
  • er mwyn nodi gweithgareddau a all fod o ddiddordeb iddo
  • er mwyn annog cyfathrebu a rhyngweithio.