Rights-based approach

Dull gweithredu seiliedig ar hawliau


Woman gardening

Workers must aim to ensure that they provide an inclusive and rights-based approach — in other words that their practice promotes equality and diversity, does not discriminate and shows respect for beliefs, choices, cultures, values and preferences.

It is important that workers are aware of their own attitudes and how it may affect their work. If, for example, their interactions with individuals are affected because they label or stereotype them, or hold a negative prejudice against them, they are likely to be accused of discrimination. If they make all the choices for the individual, they are not delivering a right based service.

Workers must keep prejudices to themselves and maintain a positive attitude towards everyone, regardless of their differences. workers should be respectful in their approach and show individuals that they value them for who they are.

Rhaid i weithwyr anelu at sicrhau eu bod yn dilyn dull gweithredu cynhwysol sy'n seiliedig ar hawliau. Mewn geiriau eraill, rhaid i'w hymarfer hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth, peidio â gwahaniaethu, a dangos parch at gredoau, dewisiadau, diwylliannau, gwerthoedd a hoffterau.

Mae'n bwysig bod gweithwyr yn ymwybodol o'u hagweddau eu hunain a sut y gallant effeithio ar eu gwaith. Er enghraifft, os bydd y ffaith eu bod yn labelu neu'n stereoteipio unigolion, neu'n eu rhagfarnu'n negyddol, yn effeithio ar y ffordd y byddant yn rhyngweithio â nhw, mae'n debygol y cânt eu cyhuddo o wahaniaethu. Os ydynt yn gwneud yr holl ddewisiadau ar ran yr unigolyn, nid ydynt yn darparu gwasanaeth seiliedig ar hawliau.

Rhaid i weithwyr gadw eu rhagfarnau iddynt eu hunain a chynnal agwedd gadarnhaol at bawb, ni waeth beth yw'r gwahaniaethau rhyngddynt. Dylai gweithwyr ddangos parch bob amser a dangos i unigolion eu bod yn eu gwerthfawrogi oherwydd pwy ydyn nhw.

Rights-based approach

Dull gweithredu seiliedig ar hawliau


Workers need to build a rapport with individuals through a positive working relationship. This will ensure that all workers who are working with that individual are fully aware of their beliefs, preferences, needs and values. This co-productive approach will ensure that the individual is receiving a consistent approach to their care.

Increasing their understanding of why individuals think and behave as they do will enable workers to support them appropriately in exercising their rights and meeting their needs.

Workers should be able to implement the policies and procedures in practice in order to meet the needs of individuals, upholding their rights to fair and individualised care and support. By following relevant legislation and codes of practice, a team can work together, alongside other organisations, to ensure that each individual is having their specific needs met.

Mae angen i weithwyr feithrin cydberthynas waith gadarnhaol ag unigolion. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau bod pob gweithiwr sy'n gweithio gyda'r unigolyn hwnnw yn gwbl ymwybodol o'i gredoau, ei ddewisiadau, ei anghenion a'i werthoedd. Bydd y dull gweithredu cydweithredol hwn yn sicrhau bod yr unigolyn yn derbyn gofal mewn ffordd gyson.

Drwy ddeall yn well pam mae unigolion yn meddwl ac yn ymddwyn fel y maent, bydd modd i weithwyr eu cefnogi'n briodol wrth arfer eu hawliau a diwallu eu hanghenion.

Dylai gweithwyr allu rhoi'r polisïau a'r gweithdrefnau ar waith yn ymarferol er mwyn diwallu anghenion unigolion, gan gynnal eu hawl i ofal a chymorth teg sydd wedi'u teilwra. Drwy ddilyn deddfwriaeth a chodau ymarfer perthnasol, gall tîm gydweithio, ochr yn ochr â sefydliadau eraill, i sicrhau bod anghenion unigol pob unigolyn yn cael eu diwallu.

Rights-based approach

Dull gweithredu seiliedig ar hawliau


Make a note of all the things that you do and could do to offer individuals a choice using a rights-based approach. Keep a diary to show how you put them into practice.

Gwnewch nodyn o'r holl bethau rydych yn eu gwneud ac y gallech eu gwneud er mwyn rhoi dewis i unigolion gan ddefnyddio dull gweithredu seiliedig ar hawliau. Cadwch ddyddiadur i ddangos sut yr ydych yn eu rhoi ar waith.

Suggested response

  • use clear communication
  • find out about individual’s needs, wishes and preferences
  • encourage independence
  • address the individual using their preferred name
  • offer choice as much as possible
  • provide positive feedback.

Ymateb awgrymedig

  • cyfathrebu'n glir
  • dysgu beth yw anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau unigolyn
  • annog annibyniaeth
  • cyfarch yr unigolyn gan ddefnyddio'r enw sydd orau ganddo
  • cynnig cymaint o ddewis â phosibl
  • rhoi adborth cadarnhaol.