Causes of Crime during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Use your knowledge to come up with questions for the answers provided.

Answer Question
What was the name given to the crime of wandering from town to town without employment?
Alms houses or monasteries
Where could the poor seek shelter and relief?
Impotent poor
What was the name given to those who were unable to work due to age, hardship or some other ailment?
Able-bodied poor
What was the name given to those considered capable but unwilling to find work?
By 1.4 million - from 2.9 million to 4.3 million
Between 1500 and 1600, the population rose by how much?
Dissolution of the Monasteries, rising inflation and changes in farming methods
Give three reasons why poverty increased during the sixteenth century.
Protestant Reformation
What was the name given to religious changes that began under Henry VIII?
As a result of the official religion switching between Catholic and Protestant, this period saw a growth in which crime?
Political or religious opinions that went against those of the monarch were known as what?
Hung, drawn and quartered
What was a common punishment for treason?