Media Studies - TV
Audience response

Media Audiences - Page 3

How do Audiences respond to The Returned?

Identification – Uses & Gratifications Model

Link to context – audiences may identify with the characters as the concept of bereavement and loss is universal.

Diversion - Uses & Gratifications Model

Audiences use the text as escapism. There are elements of fantasy and the surreal in the text which divert us from our own mundane existences. The non-linear narrative also helps with this. There is also diversionary appeal in the development of the relationship between Simon and Adèle– a bittersweet love story – and the family focus (maternal sacrifice etc.) which may hold more appeal for a female audience.


Who is Victor? Why is the dam receding?

Testimonial – On DVD cover – quotes from Daily Telegraph and Radio Times (ABC1 audiences) Two-step Flow.

These act as opinion leaders and audiences believe in the show’s quality because of this.

Audiences may consider their own attitudes by comparing them to those of e.g. Claire or Adèle.