Media studies – TV


What makes The Returned 'different'? Discuss before clicking on the eyes and comparing your ideas

Love story – DVD cover Series 2 focuses on bride and flower
Hybridity : Fantasy – epic, apocalyptic themes
Psychological thriller
Elements of a crime drama – Serge the serial killer
Soap opera – family, community setting, open narrative
Domestic drama – the impact of loss, moving on, the difficulty of fitting in
Zombie with a twist
Elements of a post-modern text
Surreal/unreal elements – influenced by David Lynch’s Twin Peaks
French poetic realist tradition – style and aesthetics
Lyrical quality – limited dialogue; very visual and enigmatic; slow pace
Supernatural horror – themes of duality emphasised e.g. through use of reflection. ‘Haunting’, ‘creepy’, ‘strange’ Style.
The returned don’t behave like classic zombies
Allegorical elements: Apocalyptic context – the dead rise; biblical references: names (Simon, Pierre, Thomas); resurrection; the flood; Pierre as leader/speaker (St Peter?)
Mogwai soundtrack – haunting
Pace is completely different. No ‘shoot ’em up’ sequences