A lot of prefixes have come from different languages. Match up the meaning with the prefix

  • ob-
  • dis-
  • inter-
  • intro-
  • e- or ex-
  • pre-
  • in the way of
  • not or apart
  • between or among
  • into or inward
  • out of
  • before

Think of 3 words which begin with ob-

What 2 other prefixes mean not?

Think of 5 words beginning with inter-

What does introvert mean?

Think of 5 words which begin with e- or ex-

What prefix means after?

Suffixes and prefixes
Where do some of these come from?
Get a bonus point for your team if you answer bonus question.

Anglo Saxon



(capable of)
(to write)
(turns adjective to noun)
(state or office)
(baby, child)
(turns verb to noun)

Suffixes and Prefixes
Create longer words by matching up prefixes and suffixes with the middle of the word.


Mid section


New word:

Word list


High or Low Frequency
How often are these words used? Place on the frequency log below :

Drag & Drop onto a frequency log

Not often
view shimmy run observe gambol have see possess sprint

Turn these words into the past tense – what do you notice?

Regular and irregular words
Most verbs go into the past tense by adding -ed. Some older verbs are more stuck in their ways and don't play by the rules. Which ones are they?




to take to rip to learn to hold to listen to smell to be to jump to hang

Irregular Verbs
Can you identify all of the irregular verbs in the passage below?

His hand shook as he took the wires out of the box. Suddenly he saw what he was looking for - a little timer that was no bigger than his fingernail. He brought out a micro-screwdriver and his hand sprang into life. There were only 10 seconds until the whole place would be torn apart…

Can you rewrite the passage and replace the irregular verbs with regular ones (-ed endings)?

Make a glossary of as many prefixes and suffixes from Latin, greek and Anglo-saxon as you can.
For each prefix or suffix think of at least 2 longer words that use them.
