Approaches to unseen poetry
Mood and atmosphere


Look at the following pictures and discuss with a learning partner the mood/atmosphere that is evoked and what leads you to feel this. Your ideas should be instant – you will have 10 seconds to consider each picture.

Look at the following words and phrases and discuss with a learning partner the mood/atmosphere that is evoked and what leads you to feel this.

TIP: Try to be TENTATIVE –use words like “perhaps” and phrases such as “this may mean”, “this suggests” or “this may imply”.

“On my desk is a photograph of you taken by the woman who loved you then.”
This suggests looking back – a nostalgic mood. There is a sense of bitterness – someone else took the photo (“the woman” is not friendly).
“How good to rise in sunlight”
This suggests hope and optimism. “Sunlight” may evoke happiness.
“elderly ladies shrivel away”
'Shrivel' suggests dying slowly or decaying. It could refer to something past its prime. This may lead to a mood of sadness.
“Weighed down by paper bags
And tired, string-tied coat”
Heaviness, burden and poverty are suggested here by “weighed down”. A mood of sorrow, pain and loneliness is evoked.
“I stood at the edge of my child's sleep
hearing her breathe;”
This is a gentle and quiet atmosphere as “stood at the edge” suggests not wanting to disturb.
Slightly leftover
Like the last, curled sandwich
When all the guests
Have gone.
Regret and/or abandonment is perhaps the mood here. These will end up in the bin. not wanted, suggesting a uselessness.
