Match up the key terms and definitions.

  • Sangha
  • Pratityasamutpada
  • Bodhichitta
  • Tathagatagarbha
  • Lakshana
  • Parinirvana
  • The collective term for the Three Marks of Existence.
  • Translated as ‘community’ and referring to the Buddhist community of monks, nuns, and novices.
  • the Mahayana doctrine that states all sentient beings have the potential to reach Buddhahood.
  • Nirvana-after-death; takes place upon the death of the body of someone who reached nirvana during their lifetime.
  • Sanskrit term for ‘mind of enlightenment’.
  • ‘dependant origination’, states that all things arise because of other things: cause and effect. A pragmatic teaching applied to dukkha.