Media Studies - TV
Audience response

Media audiences Page 3

How do Audiences respond to Hinterland?

Identification – Uses & Gratifications Model

Link to cultural context - audiences identify with Tom Mathias as he is displaced into a different world which seems strange to us as well as to him. This is helped by the direct gaze and mode of address. We are positioned with him and view the “hinterland” around Aberystwyth through his eyes.


Uses & Gratifications Model – audiences use the text as escapism. We follow the leads, examine the clues and question the suspects alongside the protagonist.


where is Helen Jenkins ?


e.g. on DVD cover – four stars from The Times (ABC1 audiences) Two-step Flow. The paper acts as an opinion leader and audiences believe in the show’s quality because of this.

Audiences may consider/question their own attitudes by comparing them to those of the characters

Hints: Maecenas placerat, dolor vel fringilla fermentum, nisl justo hendrerit arcu, nec fermentum leo justo varius lorem. Vestibulum convallis euismod dui eu feugiat. Vestibulum massa magna, luctus at arcu eu, commodo consequat lacus. Aenean scelerisque felis vitae pellentesque iaculis.