Media Studies - TV
Analytical Toolkit

Media Language Page 1

You will need to analyse television texts in terms of media language.
What would you expect to include for each of these headings?

Technical Codes

camera: angles, shots, movement, focus; lighting: position, key, contrast; audio codes; editing; FX

Visual Codes

costume, setting, colour palette, framing & proxemics - (mise-en-scène); performance and NVC


what type of programme it is, setting, characters, repeated situations) Narrative (the story, flashbacks, narration

Hints: Maecenas placerat, dolor vel fringilla fermentum, nisl justo hendrerit arcu, nec fermentum leo justo varius lorem. Vestibulum convallis euismod dui eu feugiat. Vestibulum massa magna, luctus at arcu eu, commodo consequat lacus. Aenean scelerisque felis vitae pellentesque iaculis.