Read the words and discuss what you think they might mean before revealing the definition.

Nuclear family – in a traditional nuclear family, the man went out to work while the woman stayed home and cared for the children.

Extended family - a nuclear family and other relatives who live close by or with the nuclear family.

Reconstituted family - a unit where one or both partners have children from a previous relationship.

Lone parent family – a family with one adult and children.

Single sex family - both partners are the same biological sex.

Cohabiting family – a couple living together who aren’t married.

Beanpole family – a family structure which is tall, with four or five generations, because families have fewer children and people are living longer.

Polygamy - marriage to more than one partner and at the same time.

Arranged marriage - marriage partners are selected usually by a relative.

Serial monogamy - marriage to more than one person, but only one at a time.

Single hood - the status of being unmarried or not in a relationship.

Segregated conjugal roles - men and women have different roles within the home. Traditionally men were the breadwinner and women were the homemakers.

Joint conjugal roles - both partners carry out many activities together and there is little differentiation between tasks.

Symmetrical family - the home and family are increasingly important to both partners. Work and household tasks are more equally shared.

New man - shares all tasks and responsibilities in the home.

Division of labour - the division of tasks, roles and responsibilities within the family.

Dual career families - a family where men and women both have careers.

Boomerang children - adult children return to the family home for financial or relationship reasons.

Sandwich generation - people who care for their children, grandchildren and their parents at the same time.